8 Complete Step For Applying Student Application to Australian University
How do I apply to study in Australia?
Do you have an overview to look over to know the process you would need to follow in order to study in Australia? You would start at finding your major, then register at the university, take an English language test, then you would need to pay for the following: your visa, residence you intend to stay at, and the preparation of orientation at your chosen school.
“It could be a VERY long process.”
However, with the assistance and the right information, we can make sure that your study trip to Australia is not as difficult as you had expected. With today’s current technology, you can sign up for courses in Australia WITHOUT having to get out of the house. Why? Currently. the course registration in Australia and the Australian student visa appointments, can be done 100% online. Talk about a changing of the times.
“Okay, let’s get back to the most important topic at hand.”
We will explain to you the specifics of the process and steps that you will have to undertake later on. However, please note that in some cases it will be necessary to have an additional process added to the one we are describing here. You would normally be informed by the college or agent in Australia of your choice.
Pictured above is some detailed information that was released by the Australia Trade Commission, in order to illustrate the process of studying in Australia to international students. Education ONE feels it is our duty to break down the information for you, to become something you understand. Do you agree?
Are you choosing to come over to study in Australia? Where would you like to study?
When reading this page, you can be assured that there will be a plan in place (maybe not 100%, but the important thing is having a plan, right?) in order to study in Australia. Based on the first point, by selecting (or planning) to study in Australia, you have entered into a “circular process of studying in Australia.”
This will not be enough.
You will also have to decide which city you would like to study in Australia.
For instance, if you are talking about Indonesia, you have 35 different provinces that you can select. In France, there are 13 regions and in the United States of America, they have exactly 50 states you could live in.
Australia is similar to these, but has less states/provinces.
Compared to Indonesia, Australia has only 6 provincials (states) that you can chose from to live and study in. This includes: Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland, Northern Territory and South Australia. With a little google research, you will find many facts about each area with the current tourism attractions – the road (who would not want to travel while they study), and the profile of the university.
After going through them, now would be the best time to choose where you want to be.
PS: If you are still confused and need assistance in order to decide, you can have a discussion with an Australian education consultant (like us), to talk about your goals and what you want out of college in Australia. Oh yes, did I say this would be a free consultation?
Should you select the Program then the Campus, or the Campus then the Program?
The results may be slightly different, depending on where you decide to start.
For instance:
Imagine you want to continue studying in Indonesia, majoring in economic management, and the question arises, how many universities will you find here? Just for your information, according to BPS data, in the year 2013-2014 there were about 625 universities throughout the country of Indonesia.
If you (as the student) or I (as a consultant) were requested to search and compare to 625 campuses, this would take WAY too long, and make your choice more difficult. Moreover, each school has different requirements to go over.
Will be a different story if …
You already know what you are going to study and where the campus will be that has the course you want to study. Such as, for economic majors in Management, you’ve been looking, and decided to take courses at the University of Indonesia, as you found out that they have the best course available in the area. In other words, choose your program to study then the campus to study it at.
What is the difference?
The difference is that you will focus on meeting the necessary requirements, and not on all your different options. This would certainly be easier than comparing 625 campuses.
How Do I Gain Knowledge on Campuses in Australia?
We can be pretty sure that most universities currently in Australia (S1, S2, and S3) have relatively the same standard of education. However, the most distinguishing factor for each university is the amount of information provided, whether in is via online or through other sources.
PS: The more research or information that is released (usually by a lecturer or professor) from a university, the more infamous the university. What this comes down to is prestige, popularity and the ranking of a university, which means the requests to study at one of these top ranking universities will be higher.
Australia has a current list of eight top universities (known as the group of eight↵), famous for study, popularity, and admission requirements, which are relatively high. Almost all of the top eight are in the list of top 100 universities in the world.
In addition to the eight mentioned above, there are also several other renowned universities that you can select. These universities focus more on sectors, or in other words, other sectors in education. As a student program, students can gain self-development, extracurricular activities, school construction, etc. Here are the details.
PS: In contrast to the 625 universities in Indonesia, you only need to choose one among the 43 universities. This option will become even less when you’ve decided the city you would like to study in.
Another option is to ask those who are experienced in these details, such as an Australian education consultant. Why? They can give you the correct and full details needed, along with what you need to know about the process of selecting the campus meant for you and the correct department you should choose. Consultations & Applying to the school for your chosen study is also free from Education ONE, so this will let you be worry free.
Education ONE is an Australian education consultant, we are here to help you! Let one of our consultants know what you need, they would be delighted to assist.
PS: Make sure you ask the Education agent, if they have a partnership with the college that you are seeking. Why? With the cooperation with the school, you as the student, will be provided with the cheapest options (due to registration, which typically you would have to pay from between AUD $100 to $500, instead with this cooperation, students will get this free of charge).
Admission requirements and Visa
This maybe a little different than the registration process in Indonesia. There are requirements to research, understand, and fill in when you are choosing a major at the university you want to study at.
Do you have an example?
Here’s what the website for Curtin University (Perth) ↵ with the Management Studies program says. It may look different for other universities, but you will be looking at about the same information.
You will need to find out three things: entry requirements, tuition fees, and credit for prior learning.
We will explain them below:
Every universities have their own requirements needed to meet by prospective student. Usually, the more complicated the requirements, higher the prestige and quality.
There is things that you need to consider such as:
English Test (IELTS)
IELTS is an english test that recognized by universities around the world. For the test itself, the scores ranged from 9.0 to 0.0. You need minimum score of 6.0 in 4 compentencies (reading, listening, speaking, and writing) and an average of 6.5 to apply into Australian University.
Exam Score / SAT
Because there is lots of applicant applying to study in Australian University, The University decides to set an national standard for acceptable score needed to enroll the application for studying there.
PS : Every universities have different minimum score requirements, so please check before you apply.
Is requirement to apply for specific course / major degrees.
Some major stated that you need to finish some basic program before you can apply to it, This for ensure the student have strong foundation about the subject before delve deeper into the study materials / curriculum that the Universities provided.
Then, how to meet all requirements above?
Like the old saying, “There is always a way”. For an alternative way to applying into Australian University, you can contact an Education Agent / Consultan such as Education ONE. Our consultant will happily take care of your concerns about University Application and many others.
Usually when talking about financial requirements, it can gives headache to us and our parents, because the financial investments needed to apply into one of Australian University isn’t cheap either.
But the career and economic potential in the future will provide enough reason for investing your money by studying in Australia.
PS : Read here if you want to know why studying in Australia is such an great investment to make.
Back to the topic,
How much does study in Australian University usually cost us?
Using Curtin University for example (Getting a CoE), you need at least AUD$ 13.800 as front investment to the university, which later be used for paying the first semester.
That makes one year which is equal two semester, Studying in Curtin University would cost you AUD #27.600. We hope you understand this scheme, because this information is very needed for counting the financial proof requirements for applying student visa.
And last but not least is for the total investment you need to spend, which in your study process. Let’s take management as example, on average you needed 3 years to finish the study, so 3 years study will cost you around AUD 87.200.
You need to pay one sixth part of it every semester which is start on February and July.
Before you go further. These requirements is more suited to the student who a) change their major, b) finish their last diploma, c) having working experience, or d) changing university.
So if you study using your last credits, thats means you can finish your study faster. Because depends your credit, you can skip some semester and start from where you leave based on last credit.
But, these credit varies for each student (No specific rules about it). All is up to University commitee consideration, for what latest credit that accepted.
Applying For University
After selecting a city, department, college, and you have ensured that you are meeting the requirements for registration; it will now be time for you to register to your campus of choice.
You will need to start by filling in the registration form.
We have an example for you to look over, the typical form of Curtin University for you (or an agent) to fill in, if you decide to study at this university. The details can be seen here↵
You can always obtain forms for other universities, we have only provided you with an example.
In addition to the above documentation, you also need to attach further documents for your requirements requested above. Such as, your identification documents (such as, your passport), information from your universitiy, proof of the GTE requirement (employment or assets), etc. You will receive the details for the relevant university website, or you can contact an Australian education consultant (such as education ONE) to assist you in everything required.
Getting Letter of Offer (LOF)
If your registration is successful, then you will receive a Letter of Offer. This letter serves as a sign that there are still available places on the campus that you have chosen, and the universities is offering you one of those spots to fill.
This contains the contents of your personal details, coupled with the major details that you choose. Some other details included are: when school starts, faculty are taken, registration codes, campuses and majors, etc.
However, this does not mean that you are able to study in Australia just yet, there are more steps below in the process.
Getting Confirmation of Enrollment (CoE)
Please remember that you must pay a deposit to the campus, this is mentioned in the above passage.
Now would be the correct time to do so, in order to continue.
The Letter of Offer is a document created by the school to “offer a place” to you. Now it is your choice to accept the offer (by paying the deposit) or reject it (by not doing anything).
How much will the deposit be?
Typically, you will need to pay about one semester of your course only. Later on, this money will be used by you to study for your 1st semester, following the completion of the entire process (do not worry about this). Do not worry about the requirements, the payment due, and the nominal payment. Everything will be mentioned in your Letter of Offer that you received.
After making your payment for the course, you will receive a CoE (Certificate of Enrolment). This is a document that “certifies” that you are able to study the chosen course in the school you applied to.
Student Visa
The CoE that you received prior, is your proof that you can study in Australia. Next, is the process to obtain a student visa, which will allow you to enter into the country.
One of the most important requirements is getting your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from the education provider before you apply. Yes, the CoE which you will get after paying for one semester of tuition.
Well, how does this visa work?
You can start by looking in more detail on the Australia↵ Immigration website. This is where you will find more details regarding the process of a student visa and you can see clearly on how to address and complete the application. We would suggest for you to look it over first, so that you can see the layout process.
If you have previously used an Australian education consultant to register for your chosen school, they will usually also provide assistance with the visa, which comes bundled with the school enrollment.
This practice can be very attractive, given the complexity of the Student visa in Australia.
Does this seem complicated to you? You should consider some of the following:
- All applications collected must be in English,
- These can be translated by a notary, translator, or an agent in Australia,
- Filling in the application form, can be complex and can take hours
- Mistakes can lead to delays in the visa application, and even a rejection of the visa application,
- If you’ve never done this process before, it would may be better to use an Education Agent or someone else to assist you to prevent mistakes
In addition, each student visa application (either done by you personally, or be using a service) entered into Australian Immigration will be charged a fee of AUD $ 550↵ (+ 1:08% for credit card use) for the administrative process. Additionally, you will be required to do through online↵ application (yes, 100% Australian student visas are now done via online).
PS: Australian Immigration will also provide you with a “tracking number”, where you can check what the current status of your application is and where in the process you are at. This will be gone over by your agent in Australia that you chose and you will be informed, as soon as an update is received.
Once you receive a grant notice from the agent from Immigration, it will be time to get everything together to go to Australia in order to start the amazing trip to study there.
It is now time for preparation, for your farewells (with maybe your current girlfriend or your parents, should they not be joining you in Australia), and it is time to look for a place to stay while you study.
Time to say Goodbye ( Preparing for departure)
Now you come to the end of the process, the process of your departure from your home country to the arrival in Australia.
Do you think the process would be easy? See the below information to judge for yourself.
In this stage, you are actually going to Australia to start your study with your new student visa and enrolment paperwork. Please also make sure you have done the following before departing for Australia:
- Have found a place to stay while you are in Australia,
- You have the information regarding the orientation process in Australia,
- You have the right clothing packed (Australia gets very cold around June to November, and very hot during December to May),
- You know about how to use the public transportation system in Australia,
- Know how to access your bank account while in Australia,
- You know the steps to take in order to find work in Australia while you study (if you want to work, only part-time),
- You have the education ONE Survival Guide, which will explain all the details above clearly, accurately and with a lot more detail. We provide to the students we assist.
Finally, we consider you all to be part of our big family and education ONE congratulates the new students going to study in Australia. We hope the information we provide can be helpful tool for you. If you need assistance or want to talk about studying in Australia, you can contact us and receive a free consultation, please see below.
We send our regards for your success in this process.
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Prepare Your Journey To Study in Australia with Us!
In applying for a Student Visa to Study in Australia, you will need to prove that you have enough money to cover your travel and stay costs in Australia.
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Most of our clients’ problems start because they started their study plan in Australia without anybody telling them what they need to do and prepare.
By joining our free phone session, we will help you plan your journey and recognize obstacles so you can avoid problems that could jeopardise your chances to study in Australia. And we are offering it to you FOR FREE.
- We’ve handled most of our clients’ busywork so they can focus on more important things.
- We’ve partnered with the proven and best education providers across Australia to give our clients quality education that gives them advantage against today’s job market and prepares them for the future based on their further study or career plans.
- We’ve partnered with a highly rated Australian Registered Migration Agent so that any of your student visa problems could be solved legally.
- We’ve handled most of our clients’ busywork so they can focus on more important things.
- We’ve partnered with the proven and best education providers across Australia to give our clients quality education that gives them advantage against today’s job market and prepares them for the future based on their further study or career plans.
- We’ve partnered with a highly rated Australian Registered Migration Agent so that any of your student visa problems could be solved legally.