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visa hopping breaking news

Australia is now officially launching a new regulation published on the Department of Home Affairs website titled ending “visa hopping” in the migration system to prevent temporary visa holders from continuing their stay by changing to a student visa.

This shouldn’t be a surprise since the Australian government has been proactive in the international education sector for the last 6 months. The Migration Strategy has stated it all if Australia wants a “smaller, but better planned” system that works well.

Here at education ONE we break down the latest regulation in Australian international education that will soon be implemented in the new financial year on July 1st, 2024. 

Below we also provide insight from our expert team for you.

Is Visa Hopping Bad News? Australia Says Yes, and Here’s Why

After adding the “No Further Stay” condition on the previous release in March, today is the reveal for the big waves behind.

Today, the prevention of “visa hopping” was shown by the Australian government by taking action on banning the possibilities of temporary visa holders to switch to other visas. See the temporary visa list that impacted below:

  1. Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate)
  2. Subclass 600 (Visitor)
  3. Subclass 601 (Electronic Travel Authority)
  4. Subclass 602 (Medical Treatment)
  5. Subclass 651 (eVisitor)
  6. Subclass 771 (Transit)
  7. Subclass 988 (Maritime Crew)
  8. Subclass 995 (Diplomatic Temporary) – primary visa holders only
  9. Subclass 403 (Temporary Work) International Relations)) – Domestic Worker (Diplomatic or Consular) stream
  10. Subclass 426 (Domestic Worker (Temporary) – Diplomatic or Consular)

visa subclass that impacted by new regulations

Unsure how the new Australian visa restrictions affect your study plans?  Book a FREE consultation with education ONE today!

Addressing “Failed” Migration Pathways

Is this bad news, or good news? Well, it depends on how you see them. But you’ll have to read this rationale from the Australian government.

These changes support a series of other changes implemented for graduate visa holders on 1 July including shorter post-study visa durations, a reduction in the age limit from 50 to 35 years, and increased English language requirements implemented last March.

new rules to stop visa hopping

Visa hopping has become the bridge for someone to become a “permanently temporary” citizen in Australia. People switching from visitor to student, and then continuing to graduate visa, and then back again to student, everything will just be on a never ending loop which results in a “failed” migration pathway prepared by the Australian government:

  • Temporary Graduate Visa holders have options: secure skilled employment and explore visa pathways, including permanent residency, or depart Australia. 
  • While a Visitor Visa holder intending to study must apply for a Student visa from outside Australia.

The migration system in Australia surely expect one’s that stay longer than their student visa to contribute in Australia skilled migration pathway after getting the qualification they need, as stated by Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security Clare O’Neil:

“The migration system we inherited was completely broken, and our goal is to build a smaller, better planned, more strategic migration system that works for Australia.

We need a migration system which delivers the skills we need, but doesn’t trade in rorts, loopholes and exploitation.”

So this new regulation is meant to close all the leakage in the system.

What do you think? Do you agree with the Australian government decision to end visa hopping? Let us know by writing in the comment section below.

What’s Our Insights?

We, education ONE is an education consultant with more than 15 years of experience and strategic partnership with registered migration agents that helps international students with all their needs when studying or wanting to study in Australia.

The great desire to make the student visa a visa for students was evident in this initiation. If you are coming to Australia to study then do it like that, here are some of our insights:

  • Show that you are a truly genuine student who can meet the English language requirements, be able to show sufficient finances, and also meet the Genuine Student Test requirements which can be proven with a Genuine Student Statement along with supporting documents.
  • There are still some visas that are not mentioned in the latest update such as Work and Holiday Visa (Subclass 462), Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417), etc. If you are holding them, you might be eligible to apply onshore, but of course we recommend getting advice from our migration agent and help from our consultant team first.
  • If you are currently onshore and have the intention to study in Australia, we recommend you to leave Australia first and apply offshore because the concern now is that the school doesn’t want to issue a CoE if the students are onshore.
  • These new regulations also indicate potential challenges for current onshore students who are already studying in Australia, such as explaining in the GSS if you are genuine for a student visa extension, age eligibility for applying for a temporary graduate visa, and fulfilling the new student visa eligibility.
  • Australian business will soon have a pool of skilled graduates who have the qualification through Australian education.
  • The new regulations will have both short term and long term impact that will promote a sustainable migration system to ensure skilled individuals to contribute to the economy and growth.
  • Current international students who are on their student visa expiry and wish to continue to remain in Australia, it’s better to take notes on when is the best time to apply for a new visa; is it before, or after the new rules applied. Check if you are eligible for another visa now with the education ONE team.

actionable tips to overcome new visa regulations

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Planning Your Australian Studies?

Want to study in Australia? We can guide you through everything! We partner with migration agents to ensure a smooth visa application. Click here to schedule a consultation session today.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Australia is implementing new rules to solve the visa hopping problem which will deal with the large number of temporary visa holders changing their visas to student visas.
  2. The visa subclasses affected include 485, 600, 601, and several others. Holders of this visa must make a student visa application offshore to become eligible.
  3. The Australian government has implemented a more planned and strategic migration system to ensure that temporary visa holders can continue on to permanent residency or leave Australia directly.
  4. July 1 2024 will also mark major changes to the temporary graduate visa such as a shorter duration, lowering the age limit to 35 years, and improving English language skills.
  5. Prospective Australian international students are recommended to apply offshore to show their sincerity in becoming a student in Australia.
  6. There are several visas that are not mentioned in the emerging restrictions such as Work and Holiday Visa (Subclass 462) and Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417), is there still a chance for onshore applications? Find out with our official migration agent.

education ONE is dedicated to helping international students adapt to the ever-changing rules regarding Australian student visas. We have partnerships with the best institutions and registered migration agents in Australia.

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Schedule a consultation with us now, free of charge, and get various interesting insights to stay up to date with the latest information about studying in Australia.

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