
Requirements for Study in Australia University

Requirements you will need to meet in order to Study in Australia for a Diploma, Undergraduate or your Postgraduate

The most important question you must ask yourself is “Do I qualify to study in Australian University or not?” This question is fairly easy and simple, but the answer could be unusually long, and even complicated.

The Regulations for Australian Immigration in regards to the Student visa

Australia imposes strict regulations for the Student Visa. To ensure that those who migrate to Australia are really eligible, and that they have no intentions other than what has been stated on the visa application (genuine intentions to study). Do not be surprised if one or two of your friends have had their visa rejected because they did not meet the qualifications nor did they have the standard documentation required to be granted the student visa.

Let’s get back to the study requirements for the Student visa

To be able to study in Australia, there are several steps you must successfully pass. These steps have been explained in the Study Registration Process↵. You should be able to show that you are genuine and qualified to study in Australia through this process.

How do you go about this? You will accomplish this by making sure you are meeting the requirements to study in Australian University.

I have listed below the detailed set of requirements to study in Australia. This includes all the important documents (the absence of one document may cause a rejection). However, in regards to your personal identity documents such as an ID, your school report card, passport, photographs etc. These documents can be a lot easier to obtain, and the details can be provided by contacting one of the Australian education consultants (like us) and receiving our personal assistance in gathering everything you will need in order to meet the requirements. Our focus is the detailed requirements for your student visa and we put this as our top priority.

Financial Requirement (Option 1)

Why is the financial requirement important?

This is important because it is used to show that you or your sponsor have enough funds to pay for your study and the cost of living in Australia while you are studying. This is so you will not have any financial issues that could potentially cause you to be distracted or even cause you to stop your studies should you run out of money.

The Australian Government does not want this to happen.

PS : You may think that by obtaining a job in Australia, you will be able to cover your living costs and some of your tuition fees. However, even if you get a job and it is enough or not, you will still need to satisfy the financial requirement at the time of lodgement for the student visa.

What is the required financial evidence you will need to show?

  • Tuition fee: you will need to show genuine ownership and access to 1-year tuition fees (this will depend on your level of study and what course you wish to take).
  • Living cost: you will need to show genuine access to AUD $21,041 annually (this amount is fixed, and includes expectations of your expenses for one year in Australia).
  • Travels costs: You will also need to show funds available for your return tickets to your home country from Australia, this will be around AUD $2,000.

The combined costs of all the above, will show you the minimum amount of financial evidence that you will need to provide to the university and to Immigration. There are also several instances where you will need to provide more financial evidence, we have listed them below:

  • If you have a guardian or your foster parents coming along with you, then you will need to add AUD $21,041 more annually to your calculations for the figures of financial evidence.
  • If you have your partner (wife/husband) coming along with you, then you will need to add AUD $7,362 more annually to your calculations of financial evidence.
  • If you have your children coming along with you, then you need to add AUD $3,152 (for each child) annually more to your calculations of financial evidence.
  • If you have your school age children coming along with you, then you will need to add AUD $8,296 annually more for your children’s schooling to the calculations of financial evidence.
  • For every additional person coming along with you, you will need to add AUD $2,000 annually (for each) more to the calculations of financial evidence.

PS : All data is based on the new regulations from Immigration in Australia as of July 1, 2020

Financial Requirement (Option 2)

“Do we need to give more financial evidence, besides the above information?”

No, you don’t need to add more financial evidence, this is an alternative for those of you who have difficulties showing the financial evidence we have explained above. Unlike option number 1, when you use option number 2, you will only need to show the annual income. How much should you show?

Find out below:

  • AUD $62.222 annual income (after tax) for a single applicant with no dependent, or
  • AUD $72.592 annual income (after tax) for applicant with dependents.

The income must come from you or your immediate family members (such as, your parents or a partner).

English Requirement

What do you think will happen if you come to class and have no idea what the lecturer is talking about or even another student in the class? All because you do not have the ability to understand the English language. What can you do?

This is the main factor as to why the English requirement is so very important.

You will need to provide evidence of your English language ability, not only for the requirement for your study but also for your visa application.

How do you prove your English proficiency? By taking one of the tests below:

English language test providers Minimum test score for Diploma Minimum test score where combined with at least 10 weeks ELICOS Minimum test score where combined with at least 20 weeks ELICOS
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
*Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) paper based
TOEFL internet based test
Cambridge English: Advanced (Certificate in Advanced English)
Pearson Test of English Academic
Occupational English Test

English Requirement ilustration

Though there are many English tests available, the International English Language Testing System or the IELTS is the most common test used in Australia.

PS : We do not restrict you to only using the IELTS test for the English requirement, as there are other options. but we do recommend that you take the IELTS test.

Another question, What is the IELTS test?

The IELTS test is one of the tests that is used to determine a person’s English ability, you will be tested in four main categories, including: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. In addition, there are two categories of the IELTS test (general and academic) that you can select to take. Since your plan would be to study in Australia, you would need to take an academic test.

The highest score for the IELTS is 9.0, and it applies to the four categories of tests mentioned above. Typically, each campus has a minimum score in which you must accomplish.

For example, to enroll in say campus number 1, you must have a minimum band score of 6.0, and 6.5 on average. Let’s say that you and your friends look at your scores after the test and you get a score:

  • Reading (6.0), Writing (6.0), Listening (6.0), Speaking (6.0) dan average 6.0 : In this case, you do not meet the average score requirement.
  • Reading (6.0), Writing (7.0), Listening (5.5), Speaking (7.0) dan average 6.5 : In this case, you do not meet the minimum band score requirement.
  • Reading (6.5), Writing (7.0), Listening (6.0), Speaking (7.0) dan average 6.5 : In this case, you do meet the english requirement and you can start to enrol.

Did you get the score you needed? Then continue below:

Your test scores will affect what you will need to do next. If you already meet the English requirement, then that means you have fulfilled one of the requirements for study in Australia and can start to prepare all the other requirements.

What happens if I do not get the required score?

There are several alternative pathways that you may choose instead. You can take the Foundation program, a Diploma, or the ELICOS. It will depend on what you scored on the English test. The higher your score is, the better.

PS : The alternatives for English, such as, ELICOS, the Foundation Program, or a Diploma can be discussed with an Australian education consultant (such as, Education ONE).

3. GTE (Genuine Temporary Entrant)

The GTE requirement is for you to show your genuine intent to return to your home country after the completion of your study in Australia. You will need to prove evidence of intensive to return to comply with the student visa, this shows Immigration that you do not plan on overstaying your visa. A student visa is for those of you who want to genuinely only study in Australia.

Both Immigration and the education provider you chose, will go over the GTE requirement. Do the prospective students genuinely want and are able to study in Australia?

PS: Are you asking yourself, why should there be such a regulation? Well, this is because many people studying in Australia on a student visa, came to work in Australia and were not really interested in studying (they left college to work – yes, there are people like this). It is not surprising that the Australian government created this kind of regulation, as to weed out the people who are not really a genuine student. However, don’t stress out. If you meet all the requirements and the objectives of your study is clear, there should not be anything to worry about. You can trust us to assist you in this.

What does Immigration check to see if you meet the GTE requirement?

  • They will check your economic background in your country of origin,
  • They will check your Immigration history,
  • They will check the benefit the course has for your future career that prospective students will get after following the study, or the direction it will take you,
  • They will check the prospective students future plan in their country of origin after they complete their study,
  • They will check the campus option in Australia that was chosen by the prospective student, etc.

By comparing the above data with the documentation that you have provided, Australian Immigration will make a decision on whether or not the applicant has a genuine intent to study in Australia. However, if Immigration has difficulty deciding on your specific case, they will invite you to do an interview. They may ask for you to have a phone interview or a direct meeting with them in person.

PS : We know that this requirement for an interview, is the most difficult to satisfy. We are pretty sure that you do not want this to happen to you, without being prepared and knowing what you need to do, right? If you need help, you can contact an Australian education agent, such as Education ONE. We will find a way to assist you that best fits your situation.

Foster Parents / Guardian

“Foster parents? Does this mean that I will be in foster care while I am studying in Australia? “

Well, the answer can be a yes or a no, it depends on the circumstances. If you are under 18 years of age, you should live with a guardian or a foster parent, to ensure your safety throughout your study.

PS : For instance, if you have family/relatives currently in Australia, they can be a foster parent for you. However, they must be over the age of 21 and have a valid visa, temporary or permanent in Australia.

Foster parents are required to be registered and qualified to become a foster parent for international students who are currently studying in Australia. Australia takes this seriously and so your safety and their credibility, should assure you of anything doubt you may have regarding them.

You can read more here, about the foster parents / guardians↵. Look at the link for more in-depth details and if you require assistance to find foster parents in Australia or a Homestay, you can contact an Australian education consultant (such as, education ONE).

PS : However, if you are over the age of 18, we can also help you find accommodation in Australia. Such as, boarding houses or apartments at an affordable price.

Final Conclusion

Please be aware, that the points above are some of the many requirements necessary to study in Australia. If you have completed and are meeting the above requirements, you have automatically completed 80% of the registration process and the maintenance of your student visa. What about the rest? Only the processing of documents, insurance, health checks etc. will be left to complete. This will be explained and assisted with by an Australian education agent (such as, Education ONE).

Have more queries? It is always better to ask now than it is to leave yourself stressing later. We have 8 years of experience in Australian education and it is our guarantee to be able to help answer your questions.

You can contact us by using the comment section below, by phone or by sending us an email. Our experienced consultants will contact you as soon as possible. Have a great day!

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In applying for a Student Visa to Study in Australia, you will need to prove that you have enough money to cover your travel and stay costs in Australia.
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